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Lost your IKEA instruction manual? Can't find assembly guides for that discontinued BILLY bookcase or vintage POÄNG chair? Missing a crucial screw or bracket during reassembly?
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Frequently Asked Questions
If you lose the IKEA instruction manuals, you can often find them online on the official IKEA website. However, IKEA only offers instruction manuals for ongoing products.
Alternatively, you can search for the manual through us who specialize in providing IKEA instructions for discontinued products. We can do this by running a search for IKEA MALM bed or browsing the IKEA MALM collection.
If you already know the part number, you can visit your nearest IKEA store to pick up some spare parts for free. If there's no IKEA store nearby, you can explore online platforms like Amazon or eBay and search for "IKEA part 123456".
Don't worry if you're unsure about your IKEA MALM bed's part number! Follow these simple steps:
1. Let's find the user manuals of your bed so you can identify which parts you're missing visually.
2. We can do this by running a search for IKEA MALM bed or browsing the IKEA MALM collection. Here you will see a list of all the IKEA MALM related products such as bed frame, storage bed, high bed frame, ... in different sizes as well.
3. Click on the result that matches your product then refer to the hardware table which is located next to each instruction manual on the product page to find the specific part numbers you need.
You can try searching by Furniture Type and add more details such as "Besta TV storage white 118 Lappviken". One way to make sure you find the right instruction manual is to search by the article number because IKEA article number is unique to each product.
Look for a label or tag on your IKEA KALLAX. The article number is typically printed on this label. It's usually located on the packaging or on the underside/backside of the furniture. It usually in the format of ###.###.##