All IKEA BROR Products
There are 26 products from IKEA BROR line
3 section shelving unit
- IKEA BROR 3 section shelving unit, white, 100x15 3/4x74 3/4 " 393.891.27
- IKEA BROR 3 section shelving unit, white, 100x15 3/4x43 1/4 " 993.891.29
- IKEA BROR Cabinet, white, 59 7/8x15 3/4x52 " 293.039.64
Cabinet with 2 doors
- IKEA BROR Cabinet with 2 doors, white, 29 7/8x15 3/4x26 " 604.526.21
- IKEA BROR Cabinet with 2 doors, black, 29 7/8x15 3/4x26 " 503.000.15
- IKEA BROR Cabinet with 2 doors, gray-green, 29 7/8x15 3/4x26 " 505.473.90
Cabinet with doors
- IKEA BROR Drawer, black, 33 1/8x15 3/8 " 704.942.96
- IKEA BROR Post, white, 74 3/4 " 104.526.14
- IKEA BROR Post, white, 43 1/4 " 304.526.13
Shelving unit
- IKEA BROR Shelving unit, white, 33 1/2x15 3/4x74 3/4 " 893.039.56
- IKEA BROR Shelving unit, white, 33 1/2x15 3/4x74 3/4 " 093.890.82
- IKEA BROR Shelving unit, white, 33 1/2x21 5/8x74 3/4 " 393.039.68
- IKEA BROR Shelving unit, white, 33 1/2x21 5/8x43 1/4 " 593.857.55
- IKEA BROR Shelving unit, white, 100x21 5/8x74 3/4 " 993.039.70
- IKEA BROR Shelving unit, white, 100x15 3/4x74 3/4 " 493.039.58
- IKEA BROR Shelving unit, white, 100x15 3/4x43 1/4 " 093.039.60
- IKEA BROR Shelving unit, white, 33 1/2x21 5/8x74 3/4 " 693.890.60
Shelving unit with cabinets
- IKEA BROR Shelving unit with cabinets, white, 66 7/8x15 3/4x74 3/4 " 793.039.66
- IKEA BROR Shelving unit with cabinets, white, 33 1/2x15 3/4x43 1/4 " 694.841.23
- IKEA BROR Shelving unit with cabinets, white, 66 7/8x15 3/4x43 1/4 " 693.039.62
Shelving unit with drawers/shelves
- IKEA BROR Shelving unit with drawers/shelves, black, 33 1/2x15 3/4x74 3/4 " 994.950.97
- IKEA BROR Shelving unit with drawers/shelves, black, 100x15 3/4x74 3/4 " 794.369.09
- IKEA BROR Table, white, 43 1/4x21 5/8 " 804.526.20